
Saturday, November 18, 2023 – 6:30 pm – 18th Annual Auction!

UUCSJS’s 18th Annual Auction will be held at the UU Center once again! Auction Catalog (PDF) Addendum Welcome to the Auction Who We Are Auction Committee and Volunteers Sponsorship Auction Guidelines Proxy Bidding Form LIVE AUCTION EVENTS: Small Dinners & Other Events SERVICES: Labor, Wellness, Arts HANDMADE ITEMS: edible and non-edible OTHER ITEMS: Decor, household … Continued

Sunday, February 20, 2022: In-person worship resumes

Sunday services will resume at the UU center building starting February 20th Please note the following: everyone attending in person will need to complete a health pledge masks are required indoors no indoor food/drink We will continue to track important data around the pandemic including case load, transmission rates, ICU/hospital bed capacities, state and local … Continued

Dec 24, 2021 Coronavirus exposure

COVID-19 Alert Greetings to all, This is to let you know that at least two people who attended the December 24 Christmas Eve service have become ill and tested positive for COVID-19. The recommendations of UUCSJS Covid Response Team member and physician Melissa Hutchison are as follows: If you attended the service that evening, we … Continued

UU Center reopens

UU Center reopens September 12, 2021 for in-person worship As of September 12, 2021, UUCSJS will once again meet in the UU Center Sanctuary for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 am Eastern Time. For those who are not able to join us at the UU Center, we will be livestreaming worship to our Facebook … Continued

UU Center reopens for worship as of September 12, 2021!

From the UU Pandemic Response Team: We hope you all had an enjoyable and safe summer! Now that we have had a few successful outdoor services, we are ready to move inside the building for our annual beloved water service in gathering. In order to continue to stay safe and prevent spread of COVID, we … Continued

Pomona Road detour during August 2021

Detour due to road work on Pomona Road Effective Monday, August 2, 2021, Pomona Road will be closed WEEKDAYS though the month of August. The Atlantic County Highway Department will begin road widening and resurfacing activities on Pomona Road. For the next 30 days, Pomona Road will be closed to through traffic from Duerer Street … Continued

March 25, 2021 – Search for Director of Music

PDF version of the below document UUCSJS Searches for new Director of Music Organization: UUCSJS PO Box 853, Pomona, NJ 08240 Current Membership: 98 Date Posted: January 29th 2021 Starting Date: Flexible, between March and September, 2021 Primary Category: Director of Music/Pianist Type of Position: Part Time/ 10 hours per week EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: ● … Continued

February 1, 2021 – Full Fellowship Granted to Rev. Fortune

On February 1, 2021, our minister Rev. Dawn Fortune was granted full Fellowship in the UUA. This comes after a three year evaluation period involving many colleagues and fellow ministers at the uua. The Congregation submits materials annually which assess and critique Rev. Fortune’s skills and performance in 9 different areas of ministry. Congratulations, Dawn!

January 6, 2020 – A Letter from Rev Dawn Fortune

Gentle People, I am sure that you are as disturbed and upset as I am at the events of this afternoon and evening (January 6, 2021) at the US Capitol. Not in living memory have we seen the security of that building of the two chambers of congress breached by insurrectionists threatening harm to our … Continued

Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 6pm | Post-Election Vigil

Post-Election Vigil Wednesday, November 4, 2020 6 pm UU Center UUCSJS will host a post-election candlelight vigil of music and healing outside at 6 pm on Wednesday, November 4 at our UU Center in Galloway (rain date Thursday, November 5). There will be speakers and music and candles and healing of the heart. The vigil … Continued