UU Center reopens

UU Center reopens September 12, 2021 for in-person worship

As of September 12, 2021, UUCSJS will once again meet in the UU Center Sanctuary for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 am Eastern Time.

For those who are not able to join us at the UU Center, we will be livestreaming worship to our Facebook page.

Since the Covid virus is still around us, the following protocols must be observed to keep all of us safe.

In order to continue to stay safe and prevent spread of COVID, we are asking all participants to please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Upon your arrival, please check in at the Welcome desk at the entrance to the UU Center to complete your Health and Safety pledge using the QR code (paper copies of the pledge will also be available)
2. Regardless of vaccination status, ALL participants must wear masks/acceptable face coverings at all times while inside the UU Center building
3. Within the Sanctuary, we will be asking participants to sit 6 feet apart. Household contacts may sit close together
4. In order to limit droplet spread, congregants will be asked to hum along with the hymns
5. There will be no formal coffee hour
6. After the service, we will encourage participants to exit out the East doors leading on to the deck (those with mobility needs may exit through the usual “front” / West facing doors.
7. We encourage everyone to continue conversations outside; however, due to New Jersey still being in the “High risk” range for COVID transmission, we are still asking everyone to continue to keep your masks on if you are engaging in outdoor conversations.
