
Sunday, August 5, 2018 | Humanism: More Than Mere Atheism | Lay speaker Michael Cluff

Humanism: More Than Mere Atheism Lay speaker Michael Cluff Though the Humanist movement was born from Unitarianism, UUs may find it difficult to define. Michael Cluff, President of the South Jersey Humanists, will address humanists and non-humanists alike, sharing his thoughts on how Humanism differs from mere atheism, on the joys and concerns of being … Continued

Sunday, July 1, 2018 | 60 Years of Community Service | Lay speaker Bill Felix

60 Years of Community Service Lay speaker Bill Felix Bill Felix has recently returned from his 60th college reunion of Yale University. He was on a committee to solicit stories from his classmates about their experiences in volunteering these past 60 years. Many of these stories might strike you as ordinary, but Bill has chosen … Continued

Sunday, June 24, 2018 | Come Celebrate | Interweave

Come Celebrate UUCSJS Interweave group History (His story), Herstory (Her story) — is the humankind story of all of us. June is Gay Pride month, a time to celebrate and also to reflect on the stories of all LGBTQ people. Your friends and fellow members of UUCSJS will give you a glimpse of their life … Continued

Sunday, June 10, 2018 | If I Could Be A Superhero | Lay Speaker Matt Honig

If I Could Be A Superhero Lay Speaker Matt Honig From Superman to Spider-Man, from Wonder Woman to Captain Marvel, our media is full of heroes, though some segments of the population are better represented than others. But media isn’t the only place you can find a hero. Our modern-day heroes come from many places. … Continued

Sunday, May 27, 2018 | Honor, Sacrifice, and Peace | Rev. Dawn Fortune

Honor, Sacrifice, and Peace Rev. Dawn Fortune Memorial Day was originally called “Decoration Day,” a tradition begun to honor soldiers killed during the American Civil War. Since that time, it has become a day set aside to honor all United States soldiers killed in battle. As people committed to peace, how do we honor those … Continued