Sunday Services
Our Sunday Services are held at our beautiful UU Center, at the corner of Pomona Road and Liebig Street in Galloway, near the North entrance to Stockton University.
Sunday Services start at 10:30 am and last until about 11:30 pm.
Child care for infants and toddlers are provided. Programs for pre-K and school-aged children can be found here.
A coffee hour for socializing follows the service, with coffee, bagels and other refreshments including dairy-free, gluten-free, and peanut-free options.
YouTube recordings of services can be found at our YouTube channel.
Sunday Services Archive – 2020 through 2023
Sunday Services Archive – 2015 through 2019
2025 Services
This Month and Upcoming…
March Theme: The Practice of Trust
March 2, 2025
Trusting Our Inherent Worth: An All Ages Faith-in-Action Service
Presented by Jessica Dunn Safonof, UUCSJS Director of Religious Education
As Unitarian Universalists our faith calls us to remember and trust in everyone’s inherent worth. Unfortunately, in our society, some people are regularly told by our culture that they are less worthy than others. In this all-ages, faith-in-action service, we will learn about and celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility and work together to show our trans siblings that they are seen, supported, and valued.
March 9, 2025
From Slave to Saint: The Meaning of St. Patrick’s Life…
Presented by Rev. Julie Newhall
…and sainthood within the UU tradition. Is there such a thing?
March 16, 2025
Spring Equinox
Presented by Theresa McReynolds
Mother Nature is returning from hibernation to re-bloom life on to the Earth. Animals are coming out of their dens and soon will be mating. The Earth is coming alive!
March 23, 2025
A Habit of Generosity
Presented by Karen York
We will consider the transformative power of generosity. Imagine the connection you feel when someone smiles at you, shares a laugh, or gives you an unexpected gift. Generosity can be showing someone a simple kindness, providing a listening ear, or sharing a meal. This Sunday we consider how one cultivates a habit of generosity.
March 30, 2025
All Music Service!
Featuring Sharon Sable and Joe Holt
This will be a special event indeed!
February Theme: The Practice of Inclusion
February 2, 2025
All Ages Service: The Parade of Welcome
Presented by Jessica Dunn Safonof
How do Unitarian Universalists live a faith that inspires us to act out our values in the world? Liberating Love! This month we will be exploring the practice of inclusion as a way to connect us to our core value of liberating love. Join us for this all ages worship service, where all are welcome. Where no one will be left out. It will be a joyful celebration of our differences.
February 9, 2025
What Does Equality Look Like?
Presented by Rev Charlie Dieterich
Marge Piercy wrote: ” Live as if you liked yourself, and it may happen” while Audre Lorde wrote: “when we are alone we are afraid love will never return and when we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard nor welcomed” Is marriage equality an event or a process? Rev. Charlie is no expert. He invites you to consider the dream of choice called marriage, and one called living.
February 16, 2025
You Can Make a Difference
Presented by Guy Forcone
Did you know there is a huge need for foster and adoptive parents in the State of New Jersey? There are various ways people can help children in need of places to live. The State of New Jersey offers support to those willing to take on this important role of Foster Parents. Guy Forcone from the NJ Department of Children and Families will be here to discuss the criteria and process to become a foster parent. Even if you aren’t interested in becoming a foster parent, you can still make a difference in your part of the world. Come be inspired!
February 23, 2025
The Art of Inclusion
Presented by Alison Maxfield
This sermon will explore the following two questions on inclusion: how can we love our enemies? And how do we build bridges in community to welcome new members into our open, loving congregation? Come to the service and find out. Oh, and bring a friend.
January Theme: The Practice of Story
January 5, 2025
The Broken Story: All Ages Service
Jessica Dunn Safonof
Storytelling is a fundamental human activity. The stories we tell ourselves help shape our identities and our beliefs. They help us make sense of our experiences. Collectively, our stories help us create a shared identity and build community. Join us for an all ages worship service to explore the power of our personal and collective stories and find out what happens when those stories don’t turn out how we thought they would.
January 12, 2025
Reconciling Political Differences
Ivette Guillermo McGahee
Recollections from her trip to Sierra Leone representing Allies in Caring.
January 19, 2025
How Dreams Inform Our Spirituality
Bonney Parker
Everyone dreams, even if those dreams are not remembered. Our culture does not give much weight to dreaming, relegating those nightly scenarios to clearing the detritus of the day, or taking them literally and believing calamity and/or great fortune is about to happen. Dreams, however, offer every dreamer an opportunity to lead a more fully developed, spiritual and emotionally aware life. Remembering and finding meaning in one’s dreams enhances our lives in untold ways.
January 26, 2025
Creative Writing: A Powerful Journey of Joy, Transformation, and Creativity
The UU United Creative Writing Group
This sermon, presented by the UU Writers United Group, is sure to delight and fascinate. We will be presenting a multifaceted plethora of Creative delights through poetry, fiction, memoir, and song. Please join us in our celebrating our personal visions and expressions with you.
December Theme: The Practice of Presence
December 1, 2024
The Gift of Presence Over Presents
Jessica Dunn Safonof
Our consumerist culture wants us to believe that presents are the most important part of any holiday gathering but in reality it is our presence our loved ones actually value the most. Join us as we explore whether presence really is the most important thing and how to value this gift when even the Grinch brought the presents back!
Please bring a new, unwrapped toy with you to kick off our holiday toy drive for the Eastern Service Workers Association.
December 8, 2024
The Armenian Genocide: One Family’s Story
Deb Dagavarian
On April 24, 1915, the Ottoman Turks declared that the Armenians living in Turkey be eradicated. On that date Armenian authors, poets, artists, scientists, politicians, religious leaders, physicians, and military officers were arrested under the guise of deportation, and then killed. For the next few years, Armenians in Turkey were rounded up and deported or murdered outright. Deportations often led to starvation, disease, and early death. Many women were raped, and many Armenians were tortured. This session will touch on what it was like for the Armenians in Turkey at that time, based on recorded testimony, much of it from Debbi’s paternal relatives who survived the Genocide. Did Armenians’ faith in Christianity save them? Or did it condemn them?
December 15, 2024
“Mankind Was Our Business!”: A Christmas Carol Revisited
Cynthia Grzywinsky
Written over 180 years ago, Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” remains beloved today as an emblem of our Yuletide celebrations. This 1843 novella represents not only a “feel good” homage to the holiday season, but also an indictment of the socio-economic inequities of Victorian-era England. Could Dickens, a recent convert to Unitarianism, be espousing the social justice values of our shared faith through Marley’s ghost’s simple yet emphatic message to Scrooge, that rather than money, “Mankind was our business!”?
December 22, 2024
Winter Solstice All Music Service
Gina Roche
November Theme: The Practice of Repair
November 3, 2024
A Tool to Repair Loss
Jessica Dunn Safonof
The cycle of life invites us to explore grief and memory as a practice of repair. In this all ages worship service we will explore concrete and meaningful ways to grieve and participate in a unique UU ritual known as The Memory Tree.
November 10, 2024
Saving The World One Starfish at a Time
Theresa McReynolds
Every one of us in our own way can make a difference even if that difference is only felt by one person, it is easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed, especially if those around us are saying nothing can work all is in chaos and like chicken little, the sky is falling in. if you cannot feed 100 then feed just one, we have a call to duty knowing that each life we touch matters, even if it is only one.
November 17, 2024
Finding Echoes
Mark Bernstein
Novelist Mohsin Hamid wrote, “Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” Demonstrating empathy requires understanding, vulnerability, a listening ear and an open heart. In this sermon, we’ll explore the nature and power of empathy.
November 24, 2024
Gina Roche
Join us for musical selections for the theme of repair.
October Theme: The Practice of Deep Listening
October 6, 2024
The Practice of Deep Listening: Finding Common Ground
Presented by Jessica Dunn Safonof
Can the practice of deep listening help us embody love as we interact with those we disagree with? Is there even a place for listening in our increasingly polarized culture? Join us as we explore how to keep love at the center of everything we do, even
when we disagree.
October 13, 2024
They Are Who I Am! The Art and Science of Collecting Family Stories
Presented by David Fenimore
How many of us know where our great-grandparents grew up? Or what challenges, triumphs, and tragedies they experienced? Emory University psychologist Marshall Duke argues that children who have the most self-confidence have what he calls a strong “intergenerational self.” Every family, he says, has a unifying narrative, and his work suggests that when we feel part of a family story, we are more capable of coping with stress, sickness, and other setbacks. Family stories can be reassuring and inspirational, as well as amusing and thought-provoking. They are almost always interesting, especially when their vivid details are situated within broader mythic and historical frameworks. So, it’s a shame that these stories are frequently and irrecoverably lost. I’ll discuss the main types of family narratives and offer some practical advice for recording and editing oral histories.
October 20, 2024
Why the Blues Feel So Good
Presented by Gina Roche
Join us for this all blues music service that will stir your soul!
October 27, 2024
Presented by Rev Wayne Conrad
September Theme: The Practice of Invitation
Sunday, September 1, 2024
A New Year: Welcome Scouts!
Heather Swenson Brilla
Meet the scouts and parents of Pack and Troop 634 and learn about how their values align with the values of Unitarian Universalism. Members of the congregation and members of the scouting units speak about the beliefs and practices of both groups and plans for the new year.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Water Communion
Jessica Dunn Safonof
Each autumn our congregation takes the time to regather and recommit ourselves to one another and to our faith community. Join us for the unique UU ritual of Water Communion. Everyone is invited to bring water to add to our community bowl.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Stories and Music
Peter Mayer
Join us and guest musician Peter Mayer who will speak about the meaning and stories behind the music. Ken Sheldon of Acoustic Guitar Magazine wrote “Mayer’s songs are crafted like Shaker furniture, with no place for superfluous embellishments or throwaway lines…(his) world is bright and hopeful and the transcendent nature of his lyrics…explore the mysteries of life…Mayer’s fluid, clean, and tremendously intriguing guitar playing is topped with warm, rich vocals. This is music for the soul.”
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Blessed are the Coalition Builders
Rev. Charlie Dieterich
“To quote Bayard Rustin: “If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society.”
Sunday, September 29, 2024
UU Climate Justice Revival
Our congregation is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice. This is an all-church and all-ages event. All of us will learn new frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice and have the chance to weave together the threads that have always linked our deepest commitments. The UU Climate Revival will equip UU congregations to enter into a new era of climate action—one that intentionally and faithfully breaks down silos and cultivates relationships that lead to flourishing collaborations that transform our congregations through climate justice. Plan to stay a little longer for workshop activities following the worship service.
Summer 2024
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Grace Notes Hospice Singers
Grace Notes Singers will share their song repertoire and invite us to sing along. The group will explain what they do as Hospice Singers. The service will also include meditative readings and some silent time together. The Grace Notes Singers include former music director Barbara Miller, Katy Cardwell, Melissa Hutchison, and guest Cynthia Grzywinski.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Selling Onions
Presented by Mark Bernstein
Benedictine hospitality requires that we welcome the stranger, not only into our homes, but into our hearts. This form of radical hospitality is the essential message in “The Rule of St. Benedict”, a book written in the sixth century and just as relevant and important to Unitarian Universalists today.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Tricks of the Mind
Presented by Kit Marlowe
Everyone you know believes that they see the world as it is, and that many other people are totally wrong. Other people feel the same way about you, too. Our minds play many tricks on us. Some are known as self-interest, echo chamber, availability bias, and confirmation bias. How can we overcome those tricks and how can we know when we have? Kit Marlowe will help us examine our own thinking and strive towards the objective truth. Kit Marlowe has been a political activist since the 1960s. He has said and believed things that he now acknowledges were foolish. He hopes that the humility with which he regards his past mistakes will help you learn when your mind plays similar tricks.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Buddhist Happiness Practice
Presented by Dennis Bohn
There is a widespread misunderstanding that the Buddha taught that life is suffering. While the Buddha did teach that suffering exists, he also taught that joy and happiness exist, and in fact that there is an end to suffering. We’ll look at practical ways to actualize the teachings of living in present each day and to nourish happiness, joy, and peace in our daily lives.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Putting Faith Into Action
Presented by Eastern Service Workers Association
From Matthew 7:15-20, “By their fruits you will know them.” Most major world religions and secular moral philosophies – Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Humanism and more – share in common a moral code that says feeding the hungry, healing the sick and alleviating suffering is the right thing to do. But in a complicated world, how can we determine the most effective means of putting belief into action? The driving force in the labor movement historically is that workers unite to end their suffering, because they are the ones enduring the suffering and they find it takes organization and allies to stop it. Eastern Service Workers Association is uniting South Jersey’s low-paid service workers and others throughout the community, demonstrating that in unity there is strength. We wish to thank UUCSJS for putting their principals and beliefs into action.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Gina’s Spectacular Music Extravaganza! Timmie Lekan is in the house!
Presented by Gina Roche, UUCSJS Music Director
Timmie Lekan is in the house!
As part of Gina’s spectacular music extravaganza series, she has invited long time friend and beautiful musician Tim Lekan to UUCSJS all the way from Cleveland Ohio.
Acoustic bassist Timmie Lekan lived and played bass full time in Atlantic City for 20+ years. Gina and Timmie, the dynamic duo will take you on a creative musical journey with story and song.
Find out where their mantra “strong and wrong” came from and hear stories of their time in Japan, recording sessions in NYC and then some. They build the case for “going for it” and “jumping into the deep end of the pool.”
Join us for a musical morning of love and connection.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
The Spirit of Peace: Peace Pilgrim’s Life and Legacy
Presented by Bruce Nichols
This service will offer a short bio and overview of Peace Pilgrim’s message and pilgrimage and share about how her message of Peace continues to inspire people around the world today.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Synergistic Interdependence
Presented by Alison Maxfield
As a group, are we better off alone? Or, does the sum from-doing our part-yield greater cooperation, creativity, and conviction? This sermon will explore the exciting world of synergistic relationships and how shared interests and passions can collectively fuel positive social change.
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Whose Am I?
Jessica Dunn Safonof
Who needs you? Who loves you? To whom are you accountable? None of us can exist without the relationships we use to define ourselves. When we remember that we are connected to everyone and everything around us, we know that we are not alone in this world nor should we be.
Sunday, April 14, 2024
The Power of Words
Theresa McReynolds
Words are the most powerful force available to humanity; we can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement or destructively using words of fear and despair.
Sunday, April 21, 2024
The Courage to Love
Rev Dr Richard Speck
In a world that tries to isolate us from one another, a society that encourages bowling alone, we are called as religious people to build communities of love. We are called to reach out to others, comfort them and celebrate with them. This is the work of a congregation. We will look at what it takes to build a strong community of love.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
I Do Mind!
Alison Maxfield
They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but what about the mind that fashioned both? This sermon will discuss how to “mind” your personal power through the use of mindfulness, wise language practices, and affirmations.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Of Jet Pigs and Rainbows: How We Articulate Our Values
Rev Sunshine Wolfe
Ask a Unitarian Universalist to explain what we believe and you will get at least three answers for every two people. In the last few years, we’ve been discussing whether and how to update our values statements in the national Bylaws. Some think we should keep things as we are and others love the changes and what they can mean. This has inspired amendments, Jet Pigs, and more. Yes, I said Jet Pigs. Join us for a worship time to consider our story of values over the centuries and what creative engagement is happening today.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Do We Really Know What We Say and Hear?
Mike Hannisian
The intent of this sermon is to explore how our language is used and misused. The results of which are that we all too often do not understand what is being said, or how what we are saying can be misconstrued. It also addresses the ways in which some people purposefully use our language to mislead and/or confuse others.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Back to the Future: Community, Generosity, and Connection
Karen York
Sunday, March 24, 2024
A Musical Celebration of Spring
Sharon Sable
Sharon Sable and Joe Holt will be playing their favorite Spring themed songs, featuring some classic gems from beloved jazz icon, Blossom Dearie. Come and celebrate Spring with us!
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Outside Looking In
Laura Kushner
I have had the privilege of speaking at UUCSJS several times over the past few years. Let me share with you what I see when I walk through your doors.
February Theme: JUSTICE & EQUITY
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Two Wings of the Human Spirit
Mark Bernstein
Many Unitarian Universalists among us would have us believe that Reason and Faith are mutually exclusive. But others will argue that they are compatible, even nurturing of one another. Where does Faith begin and Reason end, and vice versa? Let’s consider how we marry these two ways of looking at the world in order to forge greater relationships and lessen conflict in our congregations.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
UUCSJS 25th Anniversary
Doddie Stone
Sunday, February 18, 2024
What If
Suzzette Ortiz
What if
What if we change hate for love
What if we change indifference for compassion
What if we stop and listen
What if we stop and reflect
What if we can agree to disagree
What if we can learn to accept each other for who we are
What if we learn to realize that there is a space in this world for
For you and me!
Let’s do it together BECAUSE There is power in togetherness.
~ Suzzette Ortiz
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Curious Awakenings
Richard Smykla
In this talk we will consider briefly some of the popular myths regarding Buddhism and Zen in the US, describe methods of Zen practice in the development of mindfulness, and examine how they can change our orientation toward the ways we care for ourselves and others.
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Ring in the New Year!
Gina Roche and Friends
Ring in the New Year with music, art, and poetry. Be there or be square!
Sunday, January 14, 2024
The Gift of Liberating Love
Jessica Dunn Safonof
Our Universalist ancestors believed no one would go to hell – that there was universal salvation. Love was so powerful it was more powerful than death! As modern Unitarian Universalists we draw from this foundation of love as our theology with love as our central shared value. Join us as we explore a love so powerful it can pull us toward action while keeping us accountable to each other.
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Rituals of Love
Dana Moore, Minister
We call on the spirit of Love to be present in all things, in its many forms our expressions of love can seem warm and inviting, odd and indifferent. Together we’ll explore roots and rituals of love that shape our lives today.
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Putting Love at the Center
Rev. Dana Worsnop, UU Church of Ventura
“Putting, keeping, holding love at the center of our lives, of our faith, in the world. That is our human quest. And it’s really hard… I really believe that the love available in the world is ample, even abundant. Possible, even probable. Yet, anyone who has loved – which is all of us – knows it’s so much more complicated…”
Sunday Services Archive – 2020 through 2023
Sunday Services Archive – 2015 through 2019