Sunday, November 29, 2020
Forgive Me
Lay speaker Paul Utts
It seems inconceivable that as reprehensible as our current President’s behavior is and has been, that 72 million people in our country would continue to vote for him. 10 million more than 2016. What are they thinking? A minister once told me when looking for congregational approval that they wanted better than 90% support, “because its difficult to get things done when 10% of the congregation is rowing against you.” Yet here we are with almost 50% of voters, many of them hard working, moral people, pulling in the other direction. If we want to see true social justice, we need most of that half of the country with us. Paul will discuss his experience with some of those voters and ask if maybe our faith’s “blaming and shaming” is causing more harm then good. He thinks he will probably anger some of you and so asks… Forgive me.
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