Sunday, May 8, 2022 | Flower Communion | Rev. Dr. Marie DeYoung

Sunday, May 8, 2022
Flower Communion
Guest minister Rev. Dr. Marie DeYoung

May 8 is Mother’s Day. Rev. Dr. Marie deYoung will reflect on the original purpose of Mother’s Day, as founded by Unitarian Julia Ward Howe. How do we make sense of Julia Ward Howe’s call to peacemaking in these complicated times? She will also reflect on the importance of taking time to participate in community reconciliation gatherings and rituals. Unitarian Norbert Capek gifted us with the unique Flower Communion. Marie’s sermon will culminate with the community’s participation in this Flower Communion ritual. Please bring your favorite flowers to share with the community on this day.

Tune in remotely by visiting our Facebook page for Livestream of this service.
