Sunday, March 9, 2025 | From Slave to Saint: The Meaning of St. Patrick’s Life… | Rev. Julie Newhall


March 9, 2025
From Slave to Saint: The Meaning of St. Patrick’s Life…
Rev. Julie Newhall

…and sainthood within the UU tradition. Is there such a thing?


BIO: Reverend Julie Newhall currently serves as minister for the UU Ocean County Congregation. She has served as both an Interfaith and a Unitarian Universalist minister for more than 20 years. She was ordained at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in 1998 and at UUCMC in Lincroft, NJ in 2004. She has served as a settled minister, a consulting minister, a hospital chaplain, and a teacher of world religions, and has been a guest speaker and worship leader at numerous fellowships and congregations in the Eastern United States and at every UU fellowship in New Zealand. When not in the pulpit, Reverend Newhall is an avid moon watcher, reader, walker and film goer. She has lived in Sweden, Afghanistan and the Netherlands and is fluent in Dutch.

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