Sunday, March 2, 2025 | Trusting Our Inherent Worth: An All Ages Faith-in-Action Service | Jessica Dunn Safonof

Sunday, March 2, 2025
Trusting Our Inherent Worth: An All Ages Faith-in-Action Service
Jessica Dunn Safonof, UUCSJS Director of Religious Education
As Unitarian Universalists our faith calls us to remember and trust in everyone’s inherent worth. Unfortunately, in our society, some people are regularly told by our culture that they are less worthy than others. In this all-ages, faith-in-action service, we will learn about and celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility and work together to show our trans siblings that they are seen, supported, and valued.

BIO: Jessica Dunn-Safonof has been the Director of Religious Education at UUCSJS since 2018. A member of UUCSJS for over ten years, she has served our congregation in many ways, including as an RE volunteer, RE Committee Chair, and as Secretary of the Board. She worked as a mental health case manager in children’s residential treatment facilities before leaving that field to homeschool her children.

Tune in remotely by visiting our Facebook page for Livestream of this service.
