Sunday, June 30, 2024 | Cooking Your Life | Rick Smykla

Sunday, June 30, 2024
Cooking Your Life
Rick Smykla

When preparing a meal in a Zen monastery, it is said that the cook “must handle the ingredients as carefully as if they were his own eyes.” Seeing the kitchen as a model for the entire world gives us a sense of the utmost care needed for a well-informed life. The tools of mindfulness and meditation allow us to broaden our perspective to include all beings, and to care for all the world as ourselves. In this way we can live as a benefit for all.

Bio: Rev. Richard Daiko Smykla is a Zen Buddhist priest currently serving the Jizo-an Zen Community in Cherry Hill, NJ. He holds a degree in Biology from Stockton University and has worked as a biochemist in various labs for 30 years. A lifelong skeptic, he finds Zen practice to complement the inquiries of science and to provide a restoration of faith in this human journey. Father to two daughters, he and his wife Cindy enjoy exploring our natural environment in hikes and kayaking with their wonder-dog Zara.

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