Sunday, April 26, 2020 | The Bodhisattva Path to Liberation from Suffering | Lay speaker Ivette Guillermo-McGahee

image of tree silhouette with hawk flying high

Sunday, April 26, 2020 – VIA ZOOM
The Bodhisattva Path to Liberation from Suffering
Lay speaker Ivette Guillermo-McGahee

The Bodhisattva path offers tools that help us respond creatively to world crises rather than feeling overwhelmed or paralyzed by distress. As when we do grief work, facing our distress doesn’t make it disappear. Instead, when we do face it, we are able to place our distress within a larger landscape that gives it a different meaning. Rather than feeling afraid of our pain for the world, we learn that the world itself has a role to play in our liberation; its very pressures, pains, and risks can wake us up — release us from the bonds of ego and guide us home to our vast, true nature.

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