Board of Trustees

Our congregation is run by a seven-member Board of Trustees. They are charged with the duty of keeping the church solvent, hiring staff, dealing with “business things,” and guiding our direction.

Board members are elected by the congregation at our Annual Meeting in May/June, and serve one or two-year terms. There is a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and three members at large.

Unitarian Universalist congregations are free to run themselves as they see fit, and although they receive their charter from the national body (the Unitarian Universalist Association headquartered in Boston, Mass.), we govern ourselves.

UUCSJS Board of Trustees 2022-2023

  • Martin Quish, President (2nd 2-yr term through 2024)
  • David Weesner, Vice President (1st 2-yr term through 2024)
  • Kit Marlowe, Secretary (2nd 2-yr term through 2025)
  • Paul Utts, Treasurer (2nd 2-yr term through 2024)
  • Pat Kennedy, At-Large (1st 2-yr term through 2025)
  • Heather Swenson Brilla, At-Large (1st 2-yr term through 2025)
  • Karen Amaranto, At-Large (1st 2-yr term through 2025)

year given is end of term, e.g. (“through 2025”) means term ends 6/30/2025
