Interweave (LGBTQ+)
What is Interweave?
Interweave is a membership organization actively working to end oppression based on sexual orientation and gender identity, recognizing that we will not be free until all oppression is a thing of the past. Our work is guided by Unitarian Universalist principles. We value and affirm the lives and experience of queer people of faith of all ages, races, ethnicities, income levels, and abilities. By providing and supporting leadership, and working in collaboration with other organizations of similar vision, we strive to connect and nurture all queer individuals, communities, groups, and their allies.
Who is welcome at Interweave meetings?
Anyone is welcome to an Interweave meeting! You don’t have to be LGBTQ+ identified to come to a meeting. We welcome allies as well!
What happens at an Interweave meeting?
Attendance is taken, and old business is discussed from the previous meeting. Generally this involves follow-ups of activities, information gathering, or other business discussed at the previous meeting. Following this, new business is brought up, generally in the form of reactions to current events, ideas for new activities, and implementation of information gathered from the previous month’s meeting.
What other resources are available?
The UUA has many resources here: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Justice
Also, there is UPLIFT, a platform for the UUA to highlight LGBTQ+ issues and concerns by featuring related programming, reflections, and content: Uplift: Uplifting LGBTQ+ Experience Within and Beyond Unitarian Universalism