
Sunday, June 28, 2015 | Bumper Sticker Wisdom | Lay speaker Lauren Porr

Bumper Sticker Wisdom Lay speaker Lauren Porr Bumper Stickers. Tweets, Advertisements. Sound bites. We are exposed to them all the time, but are we really paying attention to what they are telling us, or what we are telling ourselves about them? Lauren Porr, engineer and over-analyzer, attempts to dissect the kind of short and sweet … Continued

Sunday, June 14, 2015 | SUNDOWN TOWNS: A Window on White Privilege | Rev. Cynthia Cain

SUNDOWN TOWNS: A Window on White Privilege Rev. Cynthia Cain Some years ago, prompted by an African-American member of my church in Kentucky, I began a study of what are called “Sundown Towns,” places where, historically, Blacks were explicitly or implicitly warned to be OUT by sundown. These places are everywhere, including South Jersey. As … Continued

Sunday, March 29, 2015 | Family Systems: Part 2 | Reverend Cynthia Cain

Family Systems: Part 2 Reverend Cynthia Cain We will look at Family Systems by looking at the family of one famous person who was also Unitarian: Frank Lloyd Wright. This will provide a lens to understand such concepts as triangulation, cutoff, sibling position, and generation transference… and how these dynamics may play out in congregational … Continued