Sunday, June 23, 2024
Stephanie Garrett
Renewal for Stephanie Garrett was to be born again. She attended a Black Baptist Church in her youth, and after college stopped attending. Her mental and spiritual understanding of developing her own theology, began to take shape, though it’s an ongoing process. She defines herself as a spiritual Humanist.
Bio: Stephanie became a UU in 1992 at the Church of the Restoration, a congregation of Universalist origin in Philadelphia (now called the UU Church in Mt. Airy). The congregation is almost 300 years old, and one of the first racially integrated (in 1959). When Stephanie retired to south Jersey, she read a newspaper article about UUs wanting to start a congregation. She met with about six people and began what became UUCSJS. She was a charter member. About 25 years ago, she would winter in southwest Florida, and joined the UU Fellowship of Charlotte County.
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