Our Sunday Services are at 10:00 am every Sunday. The services last about an hour. Here is the upcoming schedule.

Here are the directions and what to expect if you are a newcomer.

Children’s Religious Education classes meet during the same time frame , more info here.

Who are we?

A congregation is not a building. A group of committed, caring people can gather in community without a building (as we did from 1998 to 2009), but just try to have a congregation without any people!

We are like many faith communities you may be familiar with. We have staff who fill vital roles in addition to being members of the congregation, including Music Director, and Administrator.

An elected Board of Trustees sets policy, hires staff, and insures our financial stability.

Other members perform functions such as providing for Sunday services, overseeing public relations, supporting Children’s Religious Education, etc. What would a Unitarian church be without committees?

A Spiritual Home for You and Your Family

Our liberal religion comes out of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but we draw from many teachers, sages and prophets throughout the ages. Ours is a non-creedal religion. We think that reason, personal experience and conscience should be the final authorities in religion. We firmly believe that people should be encouraged to think for themselves, and that their differences in lifestyles and opinions should be honored by all. We want our children to learn about the great questions of life, but encourage them to find their own answers.

On Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00, we gather for services and for religious education classes. We meet in a beautiful new building near the north entrance to Richard Stockton College, at the corner of Pomona Road and Liebig Street, Galloway Township, Atlantic County. Click here for a map and directions. We are a growing congregation!

When you arrive, you will be welcomed by greeters. We wear nametags to make it easier for newcomers, and you will be given one too. At services you will find about 70 or so adults, and around 20 children. Dress is casual. After services most people stay for “coffee hour” — fellowship and light snacks.

Our services are led by lay leaders and guest speakers. There is much variety in the content and style of our services. One thing members often say is, “Services are always interesting.”
Click here for the Sunday Services Schedule.

Come see for yourself! And by all means, click on the links to the left to learn more about what we do, who we are, and what we believe.

We are a Welcoming Congregation. That means GLBTQ persons can feel safe and accepted here.
We sponsor a chapter of Interweave Continental.


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