Post Abortion Care Kit Packing Party

DATE: March 16, 2025 at 12:00 PM


A concept put forth by coalitions of women of color, promotes the right of all people to have children, not to have children, and to raise their children in safe and healthy environments. People also have a right to health and self-determination regarding their bodies and sexuality, free from oppression and shame.

The Post Abortion Care Kit Project is a way for our congregation to gather and take action in support of reproductive justice. They are also a tangible way we can support our abortion clinics and providers by helping them create a sense of comfort for their patients. The care kits consist of comfort items and contain nothing that could be considered “medical care” like OTC medications, etc.

The foundation for UU Faith Action NJ’s support for Reproductive Justice is rooted in the Unitarian Universalist principle that affirms and promotes the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

We value life and the consciences of all people, and we are called to protect and affirm the lives of individuals when it comes to their reproductive choices.

The goal for this P.A.C.K. party is 100 kits. There is a Donated Item Sheet that can be sent to you by request. Reach out to Kaulette and she will send you the prepared list with links.

Volunteers, we need you!! Please reach out to Kaulette if you would like to volunteer.
