2016 Native Plant Swap and Sale Info Here!
For the 6th year in a row, UUCSJS will be hosting a Native Plant Swap and Sale!
For this year’s Annual Native Plant Sale and we have amassed a terrific collection of container-grown nursery plants for pre-order! We’ve selected hard-to-find shrubs, trees, and perennials that are especially ecologically beneficial. Sadly, despite their value, virtually none of these are available in local garden centers. This year we are offering a selection of 8 trees, 20 shrubs, and 30 perennials perfect for sun, part-shade, or full-shade, and also for coastal conditions. We are also featuring two different perennial collections: a nine-plant Woodland Garden Gems Collection and a nineteen-plant Spring-Fall Pollinator Collection. All native plants are genetically adapted to our area and provide food in the form of nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, leaves, pollen, and nectar that best meet the needs of our local butterflies and other pollinators as well as birds and other wildlife.
Here are the pdf documents you can view, download, and/or print: